Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Topic 3 assingment (blog) post

This website shows four different programs that can be used in the class room to help the teacher not only tell but show demonstraight what he/she is trying to teach. The programs are Diagram, Map, IA, and Presentaition Manager. I think that all of these programs are interesting and would be very helpful to a teacher in their lectures or instructions on a project or paper. I would use the Insperation technology in the class for those students that need a show and a tell of instruction or need a visual to be able to understand the lesson.

From the video the best writing activity would be the IA, it helps when taking notes, writing papers, and writing reports. I would also use the Diagram, it can break each part of the instrucions given and put it into a step by step picture for those students who are visual learners. For peer feed back I would have the students have open conversation as they worked on the project as a class I would use that part of the lesson for the hands on proccess. I can recall the first time I had to teach a new subject and the is "no" I didn't know it that well and didn't know it that well when I was finished with the lesson. So in that case i know my students didn't either. If there would have been a more technical way to present what i was teahing or a better way to lay it out or even show the students i think it would have made it much more efective.

In all I think that technology in the classroom is need for many reasons, it helps visual learners, step by step learners, and it can also make it easier for the teacher in having more options as to how or what to teach. I would like to have a technical and hands on room when i have my own class.

www.inspiration.com/videos/Instiration, Insperation Quick Tour, 9/13/2010, 12:50


  1. so i really don't think i did this right but i wanted to turn something in.

  2. Marissa,

    I think you did it right! :)


  3. I really liked the programs mentioned In some aspects, but nt so much in others. I like how you posted, becasue you talked about the products rather than how you felt about them like I did.-

  4. You mention some of the most important things about learnes and that is everyone learns differently. It is wonderful that you and others see that all students are different and need to be tought in a way that they can benifit the most.

  5. I agree about the diagrams. It is a great way to break down a subject into simpler concepts and hopefully easier to comprehend.
