Tuesday, October 19, 2010

week 7 (Chp 4)

The two writing activities that I liked most were the Concept Maps and the Collaborative technique. concept maps can help students identify the inportant concepts, arranging the concepts spatially, and identifying relationships between the concepts. The concept maps can be drawn by both hand and computer. Collaborative writing would help the students improve their group working skills, in this activity role can be asgined to each student to give thema spacific job. The main skills that could be focused on in this activity are brainstorming, structuring writing flow generating text that can be used in the written probuct, editing, and noticing the meaning of the task at hand.

The text book tells us a few was to keep our power points undistracting. Font-itus: this is when you use to many different fonts, Overzealous slide transitions: when you use transitions that are to distracting like checkerboard transition. To many slide: use your slides in good efect,use just enough to get the point across and not to many that the presintaion is overdrawn and to lengthy. I do believe that I would be able to follow the pitfalls guidlines, the book explains them a great detail.

In my conclusion i look forward to using these technologies and technequis in my classroom. I think that all the tools are very helpful to the learning experience.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R.M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Upper Sadale River. NJ. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hill.

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