Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 (Chp 2)

Cell phones, digital cameras, audio recording, USB ports, and GPS are a few Handhelds or Personal digital assistants (PDA's) as we call them that can be used in the classroom. These tools are are sometimes used in a classroom for organizing functions, calanders, task managers and memo tools. In the classroom most of thePDA's run off the Palm operating system. We use these tools in the classroom to send and recive documents information, and many other things.

Online surveys
We use surveys for many reasons, to see where someone stands on a subject or topic, or in  classroom we use it to see where a student is at on that spasific subject and how much they know. Using surveys in the classroom can help a teacher know where they need to begin teaching a subject and know how in depth they need to go.  The two rules that I thought were goos were the "Avoid bias" and "Avoid leading questions". You want your students to tell what they know or think not what they think you are going to want to here because that doesn't help them.

In my conculsion I think useing the PSA's and surveys in a classroom are good ideas. Its not that is just makes teaching easier it makes it to where the teacher can recieve better feedback from his or her students and in that be able to set the carriculum to teach better.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R.M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with teachnology. Upper saddle river. NJ. Pearson Merrill prentice hall.

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