Tuesday, October 19, 2010

week 7 (Chp 4)

The two writing activities that I liked most were the Concept Maps and the Collaborative technique. concept maps can help students identify the inportant concepts, arranging the concepts spatially, and identifying relationships between the concepts. The concept maps can be drawn by both hand and computer. Collaborative writing would help the students improve their group working skills, in this activity role can be asgined to each student to give thema spacific job. The main skills that could be focused on in this activity are brainstorming, structuring writing flow generating text that can be used in the written probuct, editing, and noticing the meaning of the task at hand.

The text book tells us a few was to keep our power points undistracting. Font-itus: this is when you use to many different fonts, Overzealous slide transitions: when you use transitions that are to distracting like checkerboard transition. To many slide: use your slides in good efect,use just enough to get the point across and not to many that the presintaion is overdrawn and to lengthy. I do believe that I would be able to follow the pitfalls guidlines, the book explains them a great detail.

In my conclusion i look forward to using these technologies and technequis in my classroom. I think that all the tools are very helpful to the learning experience.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R.M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Upper Sadale River. NJ. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hill.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 6 (Chp 2)

Cell phones, digital cameras, audio recording, USB ports, and GPS are a few Handhelds or Personal digital assistants (PDA's) as we call them that can be used in the classroom. These tools are are sometimes used in a classroom for organizing functions, calanders, task managers and memo tools. In the classroom most of thePDA's run off the Palm operating system. We use these tools in the classroom to send and recive documents information, and many other things.

Online surveys
We use surveys for many reasons, to see where someone stands on a subject or topic, or in  classroom we use it to see where a student is at on that spasific subject and how much they know. Using surveys in the classroom can help a teacher know where they need to begin teaching a subject and know how in depth they need to go.  The two rules that I thought were goos were the "Avoid bias" and "Avoid leading questions". You want your students to tell what they know or think not what they think you are going to want to here because that doesn't help them.

In my conculsion I think useing the PSA's and surveys in a classroom are good ideas. Its not that is just makes teaching easier it makes it to where the teacher can recieve better feedback from his or her students and in that be able to set the carriculum to teach better.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R.M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with teachnology. Upper saddle river. NJ. Pearson Merrill prentice hall.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Assignment 4 Post (Spreadsheet)

I do think that spreadsheet is a good tool and very useful for those who like it. In my personal opinion I do not think I would us it in my classroom, even as a mith teacher. The teachers I think that would use it the most as they said in our book are record keeping and accounting classes.

The three major function the book mentioned are storing, calculationg, and presenting. The book staits that the first thing spreadsheet is programed to do will store information usually numerical information. Second thing that spreadsheep does is the most important part it supports calculation functions, such as numerical contents of any combination of cells. The final step that spreadsheet takes is is presenting the information in a cariety of graphs and charts and can also do graphics.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Columbus Ohio: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Topic 3 assingment (blog) post

This website shows four different programs that can be used in the class room to help the teacher not only tell but show demonstraight what he/she is trying to teach. The programs are Diagram, Map, IA, and Presentaition Manager. I think that all of these programs are interesting and would be very helpful to a teacher in their lectures or instructions on a project or paper. I would use the Insperation technology in the class for those students that need a show and a tell of instruction or need a visual to be able to understand the lesson.

From the video the best writing activity would be the IA, it helps when taking notes, writing papers, and writing reports. I would also use the Diagram, it can break each part of the instrucions given and put it into a step by step picture for those students who are visual learners. For peer feed back I would have the students have open conversation as they worked on the project as a class I would use that part of the lesson for the hands on proccess. I can recall the first time I had to teach a new subject and the is "no" I didn't know it that well and didn't know it that well when I was finished with the lesson. So in that case i know my students didn't either. If there would have been a more technical way to present what i was teahing or a better way to lay it out or even show the students i think it would have made it much more efective.

In all I think that technology in the classroom is need for many reasons, it helps visual learners, step by step learners, and it can also make it easier for the teacher in having more options as to how or what to teach. I would like to have a technical and hands on room when i have my own class.

www.inspiration.com/videos/Instiration, Insperation Quick Tour, 9/13/2010, 12:50

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Maissa Killgo Blog Intro

Hi, my name is Marissa Killgo. I am a junior and this is my first semester at A&M Commerce. I am a mathematics major looking forward to becoming a teacher.